
Schäfer, M., Dietz, P. & Reichel, J. (2024). Ansatzpunkte und Herausforderungen für ein ganzheitliches studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement an Hochschulen. Public Health Forum, 32(2), 105-108.

Reichel, J. L., Mülder, L. M., Dietz, P., Heller, S., Werner, A. M., Schäfer, M., Schwab, L., Letzel, S., & Rigotti, T. (2024). Conditional reciprocal stressor–strain effects in university students: a cross-lagged panel study in Germany. Nature Scientific Reports, 14(1), 6952. Online verfügbar (Open Access) 

Heller, S., Reichel, J. L., Mülder, L. M., Schäfer, M., Schwab, L., Werner, A. M., Letzel, S., Rigotti, T., & Dietz, P. (2024). The association between health behaviours and academic performance moderated by trait mindfulness amongst university students: an observational study. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1340235. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Hoff, T. A., Heller, S., Reichel, J. L., Werner, A. M., Schäfer, M., Tibubos, A. N., Simon, P., Beutel, M. E., Letzel, S., Rigotti, T., & Dietz, P. (2023). Cigarette Smoking, Risky alcohol consumption, and marijuana smoking among university students in Germany: Identification of potential sociodemographic and study-related risk groups and predictors of consumption. Healthcare, 11(24), 3182). Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Tsiouris, A., Werner, A. M., Tibubos, A. N., Mülder, L. M., Reichel, J. L., Heller, S., Schäfer, M., Schwab, L., Rigotti, T., Stark, B., Dietz, P., & Beutel, M. E. (2023). Mental health state and its determinants in German university students across the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from three repeated cross-sectional surveys between 2019 and 2021. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1163541. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Heller, S., Kalo, K., Werner, A.M., Eisenbarth, L., Reichel, J.L., Mülder, L.M., Schäfer, M., Letzel, S., Simon, P., & Rigotti, T., Dietz, P. (2023). Sedentary time of university students before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: risk groups and pre-pandemic predictors using cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1138442. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Reichel, J.L., Dietz, P., Mülder, L.M., Werner, A.M., Heller, S., Schäfer, M., Letzel, S., & Rigotti, T. (2023). Predictors of resilience of university students to educational stressors during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal study in Germany. International Journal of Stress Management. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Schäfer, M., Stark, B., Werner, A.W., Mülder, L.M., Reichel, J.L., Heller, S., Schwab, L., Rigotti, T., Beutel, M.E., Simon, P., Letzel, S., & Dietz, P. (2023). Informiert = Geimpft? Das Informationsverhalten und die COVID-19-Impfentscheidung bei Studierenden. Publizistik, 68(1), 37-68. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Dietz, P., & Schäfer, M. (2023). Health promotion at higher education institutions in Germany in an international comparison and the role of the German Prevention Act. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1128556. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Dietz, P., Van Poppel, M., Tibubos, A.N., Watson, E.D. (Hrsg.). (2022). Public health promotion in university students. Frontiers Media SA. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Schäfer, M., Stark, B., Werner, A.W., Mülder, L.M., Heller, S., Reichel, J.L., Schwab, L., Rigotti, T., Beutel, M.E., Simon, P., Letzel, S., & Dietz, P. (2022). Determinants of university students’ COVID-19 vaccination intentions and behavior. Nature Scientific Reports, 12, 18067. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Schäfer, M., Stark, B., Werner, A. M., Mülder, L. M., Reichel., J.L., Heller, S., Schwab, L., & Dietz, P. (2022). Gut informiert im Pandemie-Modus? Das Gesundheitsinformationsverhalten Studierender während der COVID-19-Pandemie: Zentrale Tendenzen und fachspezifische Unterschiede. In S. Jaki, T. Mandl, & F. Schmidt (Hrsg.), Wissen um Corona: Wissenschaftskommunikation, Informationsverhalten, Diskurs (S. 83-111). Universitätsverlag Hildesheim. Online verfügbar (Open Access) 

Körner, L., Mülder, L., Bruno, L., Janneck, M., Dettmers, J. & Rigotti, T. (2022). Fostering study crafting to increase engagement and reduce exhaustion among higher education students: A randomized controlled trial of the STUDYCoach online intervention. Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing. 10.1111/aphw.12410 Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Mülder, L. M., Schimek, S., Werner, A. M., Reichel, J. L., Heller, S., Tibubos, A. N., Schäfer, M., Dietz, P., Letzel, S., Beutel, M., Stark, B., Simon, P., & Rigotti, T. (2022). Distinct patterns of university students study crafting and the relationships to exhaustion, well-being, and engagement. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 895930. Online verfügbar (Open Access) 

Edelmann, D., Pfirrmann, D.,  Dietz, P., Reichel, J. L., Werner, A. M., Schäfer, M., Tibubos, A. N., Deci, N. Letzel, S., Simon, P., Kalo, K., & Heller, S. (2022). Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in university students – The role of gender, age, field of study, targeted degree, and study semester. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 821703. Online verfügbar (Open Access) 

Dietz, P., Werner, A. M., Reichel, J. L., Schäfer, M., Mülder, L. M., Beutel, M., Simon, P., Letzel, S., & Heller, S. (2022). The prevalence of pharmacological neuroenhancement among university students before and during the COVID-19-pandemic: results of three consecutive cross-sectional survey studies in Germany. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 813328. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Heller, S., Tibubos, A. N., Hoff, T. A., Werner, A. M., Reichel, J. L., Mülder, L. M., Schäfer, M., Pfirrmann, D., Stark, B., Rigotti, T., Simon, P., Beutel, M. E., Letzel, S., & Dietz, P. (2022). Potential risk groups and psychological, psychosocial, and health behavioral predictors of pharmacological neuroenhancement among university students in Germany. Nature Scientific Reports, 12, 937. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Werner, A. M., Tibubos, A. N., Mülder, L. M., Reichel, J. L., Schäfer, M., Pfirrmann, D., Edelmann, D., Dietz, P., Rigotti, T., & Beutel, M. E. (2021). The impact of lockdown stress and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health among university students in Germany. Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 22637. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Werner, A. M., Petersen, J., Müller, K. W., Tibubos, A. N., Schäfer, M., Mülder, L. M., Reichel, J. L., Heller, S., Dietz, P., Wölfling, K., & Beutel, M. E. (2021). Prävalenz von Internetsucht vor und während der COVID-19 Pandemie unter Studierenden der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Suchttherapie, 22(4), 183-193. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Dietz, P., Reichel, J.L., Heller, S., Werner, A. M., Tibubos, A. N., Mülder, L. M., Schäfer, M., Eisenbarth, L., Stark, B., Rigotti, T., Simon, P., Beutel, M., & Letzel, S. (2021). Zehn Thesen zur Situation von Studierenden in Deutschland während der ­SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie. ASU Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin, 56(3), 149-153. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Mülder, L. M., Deci, N., Werner, A. M., Reichel, J.L., Tibubos, A. N., Heller, S., Schäfer, M., Pfirrmann, D., Edelmann, D., Dietz, P., Beutel, M., Letzel, S., & Rigotti, T. (2021). Antecedents and moderation effects of maladaptive coping behaviors among German university students. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 645087. verfügbar (Open Access)

Reichel, J. L., Rigotti, T., Tibubos, A. N., Werner, A. M., Schäfer, M., Edelmann, D., Pfirrmann, D., Deci, N., Beutel, M. E., Stark, B., Simon, P., Letzel, S., & Dietz, P. (2021). Challenge accepted! A critical reflection on how to perform a health survey among university students - An example of the Healthy Campus Mainz project. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 616437. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Schäfer, M., Stark, B., Werner, A., Tibubos, A., Reichel, J.L., Pfirrmann, D., Edelmann, D., Heller, S., Mülder, L.M., Rigotti, T., Letzel, S. & Dietz, P. (2021). Health information seeking among university students before and during the corona crisis—Findings from Germany. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 616603. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Dietz, P., Reichel, J.L., Edelmann, D., Werner, A., Tibubos, A. Schäfer, M., Simon, P., Letzel, S., & Pfirrmann, D. (2020). A systematic umbrella review on the epidemiology of modifiable health influencing factors and on health promoting interventions among university students. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 137. verfügbar (Open Access)

Dietz, P., Reichel, J.L., Werner, A.M., & Letzel, S. (2020). Study-related work and commuting accidents among students at the University of Mainz from 12/2012 to 12/2018: Identification of potential risk groups and implications for prevention. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3676. Online verfügbar (Open Access)

Schäfer, M., Stark, B., Letzel, S., & Dietz, P. (2019). Die Bedeutung studentischer Mediennutzung für die Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung im Hochschulsetting. – Fachzeitschrift für Onlineberatung und computervermittelte Kommunikation, 15(2)110-131. Online verfügbar (Open Access)